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Mailing address:Dominguez, Agape Flights STI 22437, 100 Airport Avenue, Venice, FL 34285. If sending packages, please send us a check for $1.50/lb. to cover air cargo costs. Be sure to write contents of package on the outside of box. SEE BELOW for GIVING INFORMATION. 214-810-7333

Friday, January 22, 2010

Help Haiti

Pastor Jean Paulite, the founder of the first Haitian evangelical church here in Santiago, sat on my sofa cradling his head in his hands after the 6.0 aftershock hit his already rampaged Port-au-Prince. “First a 7.1 earthquake, now this,” he moaned as he tried his best to ‘be strong’.

Thankfully, he has communicated with his family in Haiti. His parents and siblings survived, but their homes are severely damaged. “Many of my cousins, aunts and uncles are buried amongst the dead of my city,” he lamented. “Those who have survived need help. They have no food, nor water! They medical assistance now.”

In light of Haiti’s disaster, we should all take an inward look at ourselves. I Samuel 15:23 tells us that rebellion is witchcraft. We can so easily point our fingers at Haiti and look at their ungodliness as a reason for this disaster.

It is true that at least 50% of Haitians practice Haitian Vodou, while most of the others use Roman Catholicism to cover their witchcraft. We recently learned that one of their ex-presidents even sacrificed an infant at their nations capital in order to please his god.

Many have gazed into their culture and have pointed their fingers at their blatant rebellion to God as a reason for this catastrophe. I personally don’t know why this has happened to Haiti, all I know is that each one of us should point a finger at our own hearts!

How many times have we dabbled in the occult by living in secret sin? How many times have we disobeyed God without any remorse? Look at your own life right now. I sure am these days!

Let us all take this wakeup call seriously. Let’s walk away from rebellion. Disaster may strike anyone, anywhere at anytime. Christ can return at any given moment. Are you ready?

Are you truly living for Him or are you just talking about Him or simply doing for Him? This is our opportunity to get right with our living God. Seek Him NOW while He may be found!

Please join us as we help Haiti:

Ruben and Jonathan will be going to Haiti the 2cd week of February to bring necessary goods to Pastor Jean’s family and to the churches under his supervision. They are also assisting other missionaries with a tent hospital at the border.

We so desperately need your help in order to accomplish this. Will you please make a financial donation today?

Rubén sitting in between Pastor Jean and his brother Moises.