Giving Info

Mailing address:Dominguez, Agape Flights STI 22437, 100 Airport Avenue, Venice, FL 34285. If sending packages, please send us a check for $1.50/lb. to cover air cargo costs. Be sure to write contents of package on the outside of box. SEE BELOW for GIVING INFORMATION. 214-810-7333

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Going Away Party

We will have a going away party at Lindsley Park in Dallas on May 24 at 1pm. Please come with a memory of our time together to share and a picnic lunch for your family. We'll play lots of games and hear an encouraging word from our pastor Brad Weir.

We hope to see you there!


Robin said...

Looking forward to it (the party, that is, NOT your actual going away!!). We love and admire y'all.


H.O.P.E. Dominican Republic said...

We feel the same way. We'll miss everyone sooooo much! You must, you must, you must come visit!